Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Two University of Iowa faculty members have been awarded Williams-Cannon Faculty Fellowships through the Iowa Neuroscience Institute. Georgina Aldridge, MD, PhD, assistant professor of neurology and Jacob Simmering, PhD, assistant professor of internal medicine, will each receive $45,000 in research funding.

Created through a gift to the UI Center for Advancement from Sue and Frank Cannon, the fellowships support faculty research in neurodegeneration.

Georgina Aldridge, MD, PhD


Aldridge is a neurologist and neuroscientist whose specializes in treating and diagnosing patients with cognitive disorders, including those with Lewy Body dementia and Parkinson's disease dementia. Her research focuses on understanding the role that pathology and protein misfolding in the cortex plays in the development of severe multi-system symptoms of these disorders, including hallucinations, loss of smell, dementia, imbalance, fluctuating confusion, and anxiety/depression.



Jacob Simmering, PhD

Simmering’s research uses large databases of health insurance claims from nearly 200 million people over 17 years to rapidly investigate existing medications for potential new applications to treat or prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Using data from this large cohort and following their health over time allows for rapid and inexpensive assessment of medications showing potential in humans in the "real world." This helps direct efforts, resources, and attention to treatments most likely to succeed in clinical trials and bring treatments to patients faster. 


The Cannons’ gift and their passion to support research stems from seeing their loved ones affected by Alzheimer’s disease. They are committed to helping Iowa researchers leave a mark in the important study of this disease and others like it, in hopes that there will be better outcomes and therapies for patients and families.