The Epilepsies are a constellation of conditions in which patient have spontaneous, unpredictable, and recurrent seizures. These can be due to a number of causes. One in 26 Americans, including Iowans, will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. Approximately one-third of these patients will not be able to gain control of their seizures and will be at high risk for dying suddenly from sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, or SUDEP. Currently there are no cures for epilepsy or SUDEP. We desperately need to improve control of seizures in epilepsy and prevention of SUDEP. To do this we must first better understand underlying mechanisms. The Iowa Neuroscience Institute is committed to fostering fundamental, clinical, and translational research to improve treatment of epilepsy and prevention of SUDEP for Iowans and all patients living with epilepsy.

SUDEP Research Program

The SUDEP research program is associated with the Epilepsy subspecialty clinic in the Department of Neurology.

1 in 26

Americans will develop epilepsy in their lifetime