The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa is embarking on a multi-year effort to fill multiple tenure-track faculty positions in Learning and Neuroplasticity. We invite applications from candidates with outstanding research records and exceptional promise who study humans or non-human animals to understand the processes and mechanisms of behavioral, cognitive, or affective change using behavioral, neurobiological, physiological, or computational methods.
Potential candidates may identify principally with a traditional psychological sub-discipline or may adopt an inherently interdisciplinary perspective; candidates from allied fields (e.g., robotics, computer science, education) are also encouraged to apply. We are focusing these hires at the rank of assistant and associate professor, and candidates must have records of research productivity and external funding commensurate with their level of experience. In addition, successful candidates are expected to teach courses (graduate and undergraduate) in the department.
Applications will be considered throughout the year with screening of applicants beginning on September 25, 2017; we anticipate that the first hires will begin their appointments in August 2018. Successful applicants must have received the PhD before the semester in which the appointment is to begin.
The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences is experiencing a period of vigorous growth and enhancement, including construction of a new building containing laboratories, classrooms, meeting spaces, and offices. In addition, the University of Iowa is making substantial new investments in neuroscience—already a large community with more than 100 faculty members across five colleges and 26 departments—including the recent founding of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute and the creation of a new undergraduate major in neuroscience.
The university-wide DeLTA Center brings together a vibrant community of researchers interested in all aspects of learning and development. There are also extensive opportunities for collaboration with other researchers across campus, including the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (e.g., Biology, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Computer Science), the Carver College of Medicine (e.g., Psychiatry, Neurology, Pediatrics, Neurosurgery, Genetics, Otolaryngology), the College of Education, and the College of Public Health. The university also supports a variety of state-of-the-art research facilities, including the Iowa Magnetic Resonance Facility, which includes 3T and 7T scanners, the Central Microscopy Research Facility, and the Iowa Institute of Human Genetics.
To apply, please visit the electronic submission website at and refer to requisition 71459. Materials should be submitted electronically, including a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, selected scholarly papers and email contact information for three letters of recommendation.